Week 27

My first week without braces has been amazing! I went to a friend’s wedding on Friday and it was really nice to have a lovely smile for the photos, with brace-free close ups! It was also nice not to have to worry about brushing my teeth all the time, especially as we were drinking all day. I did use mouthwash but that was all.

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Yesterday I went back to the dentist to pick up my plastic retainer and whitening kit. I mentioned that a small dent had appeared on my left lateral incisor (not sure whether that was due to the brace or not), so Dr Wozniak filled it in with resin and now you’d never know it had been there. He also filed one of my central incisors a little more as well, to try to make it level with the other.

I had to test the retainer to see if I could get it on and off. It was easy to get on but quite tough to get off – you really have to get your nails over the top of it and wiggle it side to side. The front is the tightest, I presume because I also have the bonded wire retainer there.

I also have a tray for the bottom jaw, just to use for whitening. That’s much more flimsy as its only purpose is to hold the whitening gel on the teeth. While the upper retainer is rigid, the bottom one is floppy and can be squished up in my hand – so it’s much easier to get on and off.

I have two syringes full of whitening gel, which should apparently last around 2 weeks if I use the recommended amount. I tried it for the first time last night, but I don’t think I used enough as I was wary of getting it everywhere and damaging my gums. I’ll put a bit more on tonight.

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Having two trays in my mouth overnight wasn’t very pleasant. I couldn’t close my mouth properly so I started dribbling! I’m glad that’s only for two weeks or so. The upper retainer isn’t hugely pleasant anyway, but wearing the two together was definitely worse.

I have one more appointment next week so Dr Wozniak can take final photos after the whitening, then I think my visits are over. The bonded wire retainer has to stay on my teeth forever apparently, not a year as I originally thought – and I have to wear the plastic retainer as often as I can forever too. I feel more comfortable knowing the wire will always be there so there is less chance of shifting.


Last night I used much more whitening gel and I’m not sure I like it! I could feel it shifting inside the trays as I went to sleep, and this morning my gums are very red, and my bottom teeth are very sensitive. I keep getting a painful feeling, as though an ice cold wind is being blown at them. I think I’ll leave it for a couple of days before trying again.

I’ve heard from lots of friends that they also didn’t complete the course, as it either made their teeth itch or affected their gums too much.

I’ve also decided to ask at my last appointment if there is anything that can be done to fill the gap between my two front teeth. It’s only small, but I’d feel more comfortable if it wasn’t there, as the teeth look much better at the bottom where they are joined together.


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