Week 28

Just a quick update on how the whitening is going: slowly!

After my gums went really red the first time I used the recommended amount of gel, I haven’t dared use as much again. I’m only putting very small blobs into the trays now, and I’m trying to keep it away from the gum line. I’ve had the kit for a week, but I’m only half way through the first syringe – so at this rate it’ll take a month to get through it all rather than two weeks.

If I impede the results by doing it this way, I don’t mind as I’d rather that than harm my gums. I did read that any effects like that will wear off once the process is done, but I just don’t think it’s healthy for my poor gums.

Here’s what they look like now – I do think they look whiter when I look in the mirror, but I can’t tell whether that’s wishful thinking or not!


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