Week 47

This week I had the gap between my two front teeth filled in with bonding. I have to admit that I regret doing it, especially as it cost £70 – I’ve quickly realised that my teeth looked fine before and I was greedy wanting to make them more ‘perfect’.

When I got home after having it done, I looked closely and bawled my eyes out thinking I’d ruined all the progress I’d made. The problem was that the central line between the two teeth now seemed to veer off to one side, making the teeth appear more wonky than they did before when the gap centralised them. I was so unhappy, I started researching what could be done to reverse it or at least try to correct it.

Later that night, I brushed my teeth and suddenly it didn’t look so bad. It seemed as though the gum had moved a bit and covered the very top of the bonding where the main problem was, reducing the veer to one side and making them look more natural and central again. I stopped panicking and thought I’ll give it a while to settle down and then see how I feel.

It’s now two days later and I think they’re okay, or okay enough not to meddle even more and risk making it worse (especially as I have the fixed wire behind the front teeth, which makes normal filing impossible). I still wish I’d just saved the £70, but they look good as long as I don’t lift my lip too high.

Here you can see the difference before and after the bonding. In the bottom right picture, you can see how the left tooth now looks larger than the other where the bonding has been attached to it, and consequently how they no longer look quite as straight. It seems to have highlighted that the teeth aren’t level at the bottom:

In theory I am now completely finished with anything brace-related. I have a hygienist appointment next week to get a thorough clean, after not having one since before my brace journey started.

I may still decide that I want something done about the fact that my front teeth are no longer symmetrical, but at the moment I am thinking I will leave it alone. And so here I am – 47 weeks later, with straighter, whiter teeth that I could only dream about this time last year! I am so impressed with how quickly the braces worked, and how relatively painless it all was. I would definitely recommend CFast to anyone in a similar situation, especially if you want or need quick results. It’s already hard to remember what my teeth were like before!


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