
Today is 19th July, so I’ve been brace free for almost 10 months (they were removed on September 24th last year). And I’m SO happy with everything!

The uncertainty I had about the bonding between my two front teeth has gone – I think it looks great, and I can’t imagine having a gap there now.

I got married in May, and I’m so so thankful that I didn’t have wonky teeth for the photos and video – it really would have spoiled it, as that’s all I’d have focused on. As it was, I had a lovely smile and my teeth looked amazing!

I’m still wearing my plastic retainer at night. I do forget sometimes but I never feel any movement, probably due to the wire behind my teeth. I’m on my second retainer already, as the first one snapped in half after just 6 months. I had new impressions taken and was issued with a new retainer (at a cost of just £25 to cover lab costs), which feels much more sturdy. It feels thicker in my mouth, which isn’t very comfortable, but it’s a small price to pay for keeping my teeth straight for the rest of my life!

If there’s anything important to post I’ll continue with updates, however for now this is it – my journey to straight teeth is complete!

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